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  • Writer's pictureMehar ZAIN

Unique Feature Of An Instagram Business Account Versus a Personal Account?

Instagram has become a go-to place for all businesses and brands. People use it for their personal needs too. Instagram business account has a smart algorithm that studies all users and gives them a customized experience. It is one of the main reasons behind the social media boom. All users feel like they are controlling content on their feeds which is somewhat true.

The business industry has taken a shift to the digital realm after Instagram came to town. With access to millions of users, your business account can thrive with smartly crafted marketing strategies.

If you are in a middle of a dilemma as to what better suits your needs, a business account or a personal account? Continue reading and find your way to the end of the tunnel.

Instagram Business Vs Personal Account: Why Business Accounts Are Better For Your Online Shop.

Both are mainly similar in terms of stories and posts. It is hard to tell which is better for your business because of the similar features. But the main difference is that the Instagram business account is specialized in helping businesses through a few special features.

It means that the business side of the balance takes more weight if you are running a company on Instagram. Following are a few added features for the business accounts,

Swipe Up

You must have seen the swipe-up feature on Instagram business account. If you pump up the business and manage to get 10,000 likes on your page, Instagram celebrates your win by treating you with the swipe-up option on your stories.

It is a great feature for businesses and increases traffic to your website since it is just a swipe away. The swipe-up parts engage viewers before they scroll down. For example, if you have a clothing shop with more than 10k instagram likes on your page, you can access the swipe-up feature for your stories and posts.

If viewers like something on your feed, they can get to the product by simply swiping upwards. You take away the distraction window from most visitors, and it results in more conversions.

Have An Insight Into Your Business Account

Online marketing strategies work because they give results in numbers. You can review your page`s performance by checking out which posts get more likes and which ones fail to impress your followers.

Instagram business account analytics are crucial to forming effective marketing strategies for your online business. They give a detailed analysis of your page, showing how many people walked into your account through hashtags. The analytics also tell you about your existing followers and which accounts have been reached through your posts and stories.

With this kind of data at hand, it becomes easier to decide what your viewers want from your page. Would you please give them the content and products they like to run a successful business online?

You Can Boost a Post to Increase Reach

It is a well-established fact that Instagram is the perfect marketplace for businesses because of the simple and effective tools it offers to users. If you own a business on Instagram and want to reach more people other than your followers, you can boost your posts.

Boosting a post means that you put up an ad. It is a paid service but gives outstanding results. By increasing your base, you get to reach more people than you can imagine. Just make sure that the content of your post is desirable to your audience.

You Get The “Contact Us” Button

Instagram allows business pages to add more information to their accounts as compared to personal accounts. You can get your customers calling you through Instagram with the “Contact Us” button for a business page.

Users and followers find it convenient to reach you instantly if they are interested in your product or service. It is a great feature for both business owners and their instagram followers. Instagram allows only one site link in the bio section. With this amazing feature, your customers do not need to fiddle around your page trying to find a way to get to your website.

Shifting From a Personal Account to An Instagram business Account is Easy

If you already have a personal account on Instagram and know-how having a business account can positively affect your business, keep reading.

It is Super Easy to Shift From Your Account. Follow These Steps, And You Are Done

  1. Open your Instagram business account app.

  2. Go to settings at the top right corner of your screen.

  3. Touch Account.

  4. At the very bottom of the options list, you will see “switch to a professional account.”

  5. Select the option and continue.

  6. Give as much detail as possible.

  7. You are a business account holder now.

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